Fulbright Association for Fulbright Alumni

The Fulbright Association is an organization of former Fulbright Scholars worldwide. It is a way to stay connected to the Fulbright Program, to engage and network with the international Fulbright community. The Association has primary activities to educate and raise awareness of the Fulbright program and its scholars and connect them to communities through local chapters, and to advocate for continued support for the Fulbright Scholars program funding in the US and around the world.

UA Fulbright Profiles


  • Kathleen Condray
  • Chris Kelly
  • William McComas
  • Jeannie Hulen


  • Ian Wicks
  • Sara Kochehbagh
  • Amy Cosgrove
  • Casey Kraichoke

Fulbright Scholars Program

Fulbright Student Programs
Emily Wright
Senior Assoicate Director
Office of Nationally Competitive Awards
HUNT 232
Fulbright Scholars (Faculty) Programs
Dr. Lindsey Aloia
Associate Dean for International Education
Graduate School and International Education
GEAR 213